Trade with Peace of Mind
with Axon Markets' Islamic Account

Experience ethical trading with our Islamic account, tailored for those seeking a Sharia-compliant approach.
Trade in alignment with your values today.

Discover Axon Markets' Sharia-Compliant Islamic Account

No Overnight Fee, Interest-Free

Axon Markets offers a Swap-Free and Interest-Free Islamic account. For the initial 10 days, there are no fees, and afterward, you only incur a flat management fee. This Islamic account enables you to trade with the assurance of adhering to ethical principles.

Align Your Trading with Your Beliefs

For traders seeking alignment with their beliefs, an Islamic account is the perfect solution. It adheres to rules that harmonise seamlessly with Islamic finance principles, enabling you to trade with confidence and tranquillity. Islamic accounts prioritise simplicity and fairness.

Equal Opportunities for All

Everyone is entitled to a fair chance, and the same holds true for Islamic accounts! You have the opportunity to explore all the exciting profit possibilities, just like any other trader. It's the ideal choice for your trading journey, ensuring equal footing for all participants.

What does the term 'Islamic Account' mean
in the context of Islamic Finance?

An Islamic account is a special type of trading account made for traders who follow Islamic principles. It's designed to be interest-free, so you won't deal with any overnight fees when you keep trades open.

In Islamic finance, there are some key principles:

1. No Riba (Interest)

Islamic finance doesn't allow interest on transactions. Money shouldn't make money by itself!

2. No Gharar (Uncertainty)

Contracts should be clear and fair, avoiding ambiguity and uncertainty.

3. No Haram (Forbidden) Activities

Stay away from unethical stuff like gambling and alcohol-related businesses.

4. Sharing Profits and Losses

Partners share both profits and losses in fair proportions.

5. Ethical Investment

Invest in businesses that comply with ethical and responsible practices.

Perlindungan Saldo Negatif

Proteksi Saldo Negatif berfungsi sebagai pelindung bagi para trader, mencegah potensi utang. Dalam trading, terutama dengan instrumen seperti forex atau CFD, ada risiko kerugian yang dapat melebihi investasi awal Anda.

Di sinilah proteksi saldo negatif berperan. Fungsinya adalah mencegah saldo akun Anda turun di bawah nol, bahkan jika kerugian Anda melebihi dana yang disetorkan. Mekanisme ini memastikan Anda tidak akan mengakumulasi utang melebihi investasi awal Anda, berfungsi sebagai jaring pengaman finansial yang kuat.

Di Axon Markets, prioritas utama kami adalah keselamatan dan keamanan Anda. Kami menawarkan proteksi saldo negatif untuk akun Anda. Meskipun trading membawa risiko, Anda dapat tenang mengetahui bahwa akun Anda tidak akan mengakumulasi saldo negatif. Komitmen ini menegaskan dedikasi kami terhadap praktik trading yang bertanggung jawab dan aman.

Frequently Asked Question

The minimum deposit amount for opening an Islamic Account at Axon Markets is determined by the account type you choose during the registration process.

You see, Axon Markets offers different types of trading accounts, each with its own minimum deposit requirement. Whether you opt for a standard account, a prime account, or any other type, the minimum deposit amount will vary accordingly.

Once you've selected the account type that suits your trading preferences and goals, your Islamic Account will be set up with the minimum deposit requirement specific to that account type. It's all about giving you flexibility and options to start your trading journey on your own terms.

So, go ahead and explore the different account types at Axon Markets. Find the one that matches your trading style and budget, and you'll be ready to dive into the exciting world of forex trading with your Islamic Account!

Besides being interest-free, there are a few other fees associated with the Islamic account at Axon Markets.

First, there's the standard spread. This is the difference between the buying and selling prices of a currency pair and is a common fee in forex trading.

Next, there might be a commission fee on each trade. This is a small percentage of the trade's value that goes to the broker for facilitating the transaction.

And lastly, Axon Markets will charge a flat administration fee on all trades that are open for more than 10 days (for exotic currency pairs, it's 5 days). This fee ensures that there's fair compensation for the additional risk and costs involved in holding positions for an extended period.

Don't worry, though! The administration fees for all trading instruments can be easily viewed on Axon Markets' website. So, you'll have full transparency about the charges and can plan your trades accordingly.

Remember, while there are some fees associated with the Islamic account, it still remains a great option for traders who want to trade without interest fees and follow their beliefs. It's all about providing you with a friendly and ethical trading experience.

At Axon Markets, the Islamic account is designed to be swap-free, giving you that awesome advantage. But here's the cool part - there are no special restrictions that apply to the Islamic account!

When you create your Islamic account, it's based on the account type you selected during the account opening process. Just like any other account, you have the flexibility to trade various instruments and enjoy all the benefits of your chosen account type.

So, whether you're trading major currency pairs, commodities, or any other financial instruments, the swap-free advantage remains intact. It's all about making your trading experience smooth, transparent, and in line with your values.

Feel free to explore the trading opportunities, try out different strategies, and trade to your heart's content. Your Islamic account gives you the freedom to trade without worrying about any special restrictions.

It's essential to know that having an Islamic account comes with some unique features because it's designed for traders who follow Islamic principles.

Since the Islamic account is swap-free, meaning you won't receive or pay any swaps (interest fees) due to religious beliefs, it's important to note that you should not have both an Islamic account and other types of trading accounts simultaneously.

Axon Markets ensures that traders with an Islamic account can trade in accordance with their beliefs without any interest complications. Mixing different types of accounts might lead to confusion and could compromise the swap-free advantage of the Islamic account.

So, to keep things simple and respect your religious beliefs, it's best to choose either an Islamic account or other trading account types. This way, you can focus on your trading goals while enjoying the benefits of your chosen account.

You'll be happy to know that at Axon Markets, you can open multiple Islamic accounts. Each trader is allowed to have up to 5 Islamic accounts open within their own trading profile.

This flexibility is great for traders who have different trading strategies, risk levels, or want to try out various approaches to the market while still adhering to their Islamic beliefs.

Having multiple Islamic accounts means you can manage your trades separately, keeping things organized and tailor-made to your trading goals.

So, whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting, feel free to open up to 5 Islamic accounts and explore the exciting world of forex trading with ease!

Absolutely! You have the freedom to transfer your balance between your own trading accounts at Axon Markets.

We understand that managing your finances efficiently is crucial, and that's why we allow you to transfer your balance from one trading account to another within your own name.

Need to move funds between different accounts to try out new strategies or simply keep things organized? Go right ahead! It's all about empowering you to have full control over your trading experience.

However, to ensure security and compliance, we kindly ask you not to transfer funds to a third-party trading account. This policy helps protect you and your assets, ensuring a safe and transparent trading environment for all our traders.

So, feel free to transfer your balance among your accounts, seize every opportunity, and make the most of your trading journey with us at Axon Markets. We're here to support your success, every step of the way!

Mulai Trading Anda dalam 3 Langkah Sederhana

Daftar & Verifikasi

Daftar dan verifikasi profil Anda dengan cepat secara online

Deposit Dana

Opsi deposit yang mudah dan banyak

Mulai Trading

Mulai trading dengan berbagai aset

Peringatan Risiko: Trading Contracts for Difference (CFD) dengan margin membawa tingkat risiko yang tinggi dan mungkin tidak cocok untuk semua investor. Sebelum memutuskan untuk trading CFD, pastikan bahwa Anda sepenuhnya memahami risiko yang terlibat dan mencari saran independen jika diperlukan. Ada kemungkinan bahwa Anda mungkin mengalami kerugian dari sebagian atau seluruh investasi Anda dan oleh karena itu Anda tidak boleh menginvestasikan uang yang tidak dapat Anda rugikan. Harap baca Pengungkapan Risiko secara lengkap.

Axon Markets adalah nama merek terdaftar dari Little Black Diamond Ltd, sebuah perusahaan yang diotorisasi dan diatur oleh Seychelles Financial Services Authority (FSA) di bawah Lisensi Dealer Sekuritas nomor SD115. Alamat Terdaftar: Attic Suites, Kamar 1, Lantai 3, Gedung Oliver Maradan, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles. Layanan pembayaran dan perangkat lunak untuk difasilitasi oleh HDZ Capital Ltd, sebuah perusahaan di Siprus dengan nomor registrasi HE422545..

Pembatasan Regional: Axon Markets tidak menawarkan layanannya kepada penduduk dari yurisdiksi tertentu termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas pada Amerika Serikat, Afghanistan, Belarus, Burma, Republik Afrika Tengah, Kongo, Kuba, Guinea, Iran, Libya, Mauritius, Korea Utara, Somalia, Suriah, Venezuela, dan Zimbabwe.

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